You made me laugh this morning! And I wondered in which category I would fall into!! With coffee, I will make sure from now on I will have always a minty fresh breath when in the office!!! Otherwise, I may be loud mouth or the one that tells stories about her life or paranoiac if all that is not true!! LOL!!! But honestly, if a situation like that would occur, it would be very hard to deal with it. There are ways, but it is touchy, especially for a manager.

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Yes, very touchy. The challenge is not making it personal - which is difficult! Strategies include focusing on your discomfort without blaming the colleague...

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Thanks for this — I really enjoyed it. I've been in this situation a few times before. In fact (forgive the self-promotion) I wrote about how to have these difficult conversations here: https://letter.adamsandell.com/p/difficult-conversations.

Merci pour cet article — je l'ai beaucoup apprécié. J'ai déjà été confronté à cette situation à plusieurs reprises. En fait (pardonnez l'autopromotion et le fait que le texte soit en anglais uniquement), j'ai écrit sur la manière d'avoir ces conversations difficiles ici : https://letter.adamsandell.com/p/difficult-conversations.

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Thanks Adam, and a great set of specific recommendations in your post!

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